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I speak: German, Spanish, English, Turkish I teach: Turkish

Hello! I am Esra, a full time online tutor. I am a native Turkish teacher, certified by İstanbul University to teach Turkish as a foreign... language to speakers of other languages. Classes include: - Learning material (I prepare the material that each student needs based on the books of the University of Istanbul-Turkey. We can also use a book that you prefer.) - Use of virtual whiteboard. - Homework (If you are willing to dedicate time.) - Fundamental exercises such as reading, listening, writing, vocabulary, etc. - Expressions that we use in everyday life. - Conversational practice. - Helpful tips on how to learn effectively. How are the classes with me? I facilitate learning with clear objectives and achievable goals by teaching with a personalized approach for each student. In the classes you will find me with a very friendly attitude, always trying to keep you motivated. My experience: I have more than 5 years of experience in language teaching (face-to-face & online) and 10 years of experience in translation / interpreting in Spanish-Turkish-English. I have studied English and Hispanic Philology, which means that I have the ability to explain the subjects in Turkish-Spanish and English. Throughout my professional career I have helped people from countries such as England, Italy, Spain, USA, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, etc. to achieve your linguistic goals. Message me or book a trial class to tell me about your goals and define your learning plan!

Availability:Monday (14-16h), Tuesday (9-9h), Tuesday (12-14h), Thursday (9-10h), Thursday (12-14h), Friday (10-12h), Friday (16-17h). Timezone: Europe/Istanbul (GMT+3) See in your timezone.
Esra is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
25.00€ / h
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