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I speak: French, English, Italian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, German I teach: French, English, Russian, German

My name is Duscovich Daniele and I am perfectly native in Italian and German. Learning a foreign language is like practicing a sport: to... achieve a good level you have to practice and not to give up at the very first difficulty. It will be necessary to develop various skills, among which: speaking comprehension, reading comprehension, listening comprehension and written expression. A language has to be learnt actively and “lively”: the language should not remain on paper, but you have to breath it, to feel it and to make it your own. To help my students in this “training”, I use material I chose and prepared according to the single cases: grammar exercises, books, grammar books, material found on the Internet, videos, and CDs. Maximum flexibility concerning time and type of course, especially with regard to the objectives to be achieved: upgrading of the language level, conversation, preparation to particular exams, remedial classes for school, etc.

Availability:Monday (7-23h), Tuesday (7-23h), Wednesday (7-23h), Thursday (7-23h), Friday (7-23h), Saturday (7-23h), Sunday (7-23h). Timezone: Europe/Berlin (GMT+2) See in your timezone.
30.00€ / h
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Response time: 3.63 minutes
I speak: English, Italian, Russian I teach: Italian, Russian

I am a certified teacher of Italian as foreign language and I have a long experience in teaching . I have had many satisfactions in my work,... probably because I put passion and competence into it. I think each student must feel motivated and i take great care of the various forms of teaching adapting different methods to individual needs. My added value? Competence and empathy, it's nice to give the tools to students who quickly speak my magnificent language. When students ask me: "How long will it take to speak Italian?" , : "will I be able to write in Italian?" My answer is always the same: "The sooner we start, the sooner we will know"

Availability:Monday (7-23h), Tuesday (7-23h), Wednesday (7-23h), Thursday (7-23h), Friday (7-23h), Saturday (7-23h), Sunday (7-10h), Sunday (12-23h). Timezone: Europe/Berlin (GMT+2) See in your timezone.
donatella is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
18.00€ / h
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