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I speak: English, Lithuanian I teach: Lithuanian

    Lithuanian language is one of the Baltic countries languages. Some people are travelling to Lithuania, some of them are... working or studying over there. So it's really good to know how to say very simple words, as hello, how are you, good mornng, thank you, you're welcome, where, how and etc. It's necessary because the main language is Lithuanian in that country      I am lithuanian and was learning other languages. So I can understand you very well, how do you feel in foreign country without language. You want to say something, ask or express yourself, but you can't. I would like to teach you. I like helping people and I have almost 10 years experience in teaching with different age people from different countries and culturies. I think so, that we will spent very good time. Don't worry about nothing. The best thing is your desire. We have don't forget just be patiece. When we are sowing, we think about future, because in few months we can see results of our work. That helps us work little by little.     I would like to offer you lessons for beggners. In these lessons you will learn how to pronounce words, how to read. Also you will learn basic words and phrases and how to talk with another person in dialogue.

Availability:Monday (10-11h), Wednesday (9-12h), Thursday (9-12h). Timezone: America/New_York (GMT-4) See in your timezone.
Great choice! Students book in average more than 10 lessons!
Very experienced teacher!
40.00€ / h
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Response time: less than a few hours


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I speak: English, Lithuanian I teach: Lithuanian

I am a native Lithuanian speaker with a bachelor degree in English philology and teaching English as a secondary language. Since I was a... Lithuanian teacher for American, Swedish and Dutch diplomats and ambassadors at the embassies in Vilnius for seven years, having helped them to get to know to our culture and pass exams with good scores, I can offer my rich teaching experience and gained skills to my online students. I really enjoy teaching my native language to foreigners both face to face and online. Using my creativity, enthusiasm, positivity, different methods and fun materials in my classes, I can help you learn this beautiful language in a fun way. Looking forward to meeting you soon!;)

Availability:Monday (10-17h), Monday (19-20h), Tuesday (10-17h), Tuesday (19-20h), Wednesday (10-17h), Wednesday (19-20h), Thursday (10-20h), Friday (8-19h), Saturday (9-19h), Sunday (9-19h). Timezone: Europe/Helsinki (GMT+3) See in your timezone.
Dovilė is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
24.00€ / h
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Response time: less than 2 days
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